Author: emjhc

That’s when you go for a run and the muscle memory of all your training and previous slogs takes over. You intuitively know how many steps it takes to reach the stoplight, which precipitous curbs will twist your ankle, and where the best backgrounds are for that perfect sunset pic. (No judgment.) Eventually, routes become as comfortable and familiar as that old race shirt you turned into a very flattering nightgown. And in a world where it sometimes seems like you can control very little, it’s reassuring to have reliable paths. You know the mileage. You know (and love)…

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You know you should strength train to get the most out of your 5K, 10K, half-marathon, or full marathon, but what does the ideal “strength training and cardio” schedule look like? Here, Joe Holder, S10 trainer, Nike run coach, and founder of the Ocho System, shares his tips for having it all—both strength and speed. Start with stability. Early in your training plan, focus on stability. Keep your muscles guessing and gains coming by working on your balance through unilateral exercises, such as single-leg deadlifts. Try 12 to 15 reps with a low weight and minimal rest in between at…

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