Have you ever been curious about if you need to change something in your life? Do you see yourself doing something worthwhile over the next five years? Do you know what you desire to achieve by the end of your day?
If you want to be successful, it is best to set goals. Goals provide us direction and allow us to concentrate on those things we would like to achieve. How do you set goals? Here are the ways:
1. Figure out the way you are presently using your time.
Possibly you have wondered why there are occasions when you felt that you have not accomplished anything? Have you ever been curious about, “Where did my time go?”
Analyzing what keeps you busy can offer insights on how you make use of your time. Take note of all the things you need to do every day and exactly how much time you spend on it. Do this for a week and you’ll recognize that you’ve got worthless activities that you need to abandon. Once you find this, you will now have plenty of time to obtain your goals.
2. Set reasonable goals.
Identify short-term, medium-term, and long-term goals. Short-term goals are the ones that you would like to finish within a few weeks or a several months. Medium-term goals are the ones you desire to achieve within a year or so. Long-term goals are the types that you would like to accomplish in your daily life. These goals may be associated with your family, friends, school, work, finances, health, or lifestyle.
Once you have identified your objectives, list them down so these become real and meaningful to you. When writing them, make sure to state them in a positive way so that you’ll be motivated to obtain them. Use the word “will” as an alternative to “would like to” within your statements.

There will probably be obstacles or challenges in reaching your targets. So ask yourself, “What is getting in my way to accomplish what I desired to do?” Be open to change. Be flexible and able to have an alternative plan.
4. Prepare an Action Plan.
Write down the steps regarding how you will accomplish your targets. Make a “To Do List” and post them in conspicuous places in your house to remind you of everything you need to do. Cross out those steps which you have completed. Soon you will realize that you are making progress in achieving your objectives. This is particularly vital when accomplishing your long-term goals.
5. Celebrate your success.
In case you have accomplished some of your short-term or medium-terms goals, reward yourself. You might want to have a spa or buy yourself a gift. This will inspire you to strive harder and go on to accomplish your long-term goals.
Goal setting depends upon the spot where you desire to go and how to make it happen. It’s a benchmark or a gauge to find out if you’re succeeding. At Truly Rich Club, we motivate and teach you how to set goals and achieve them. We encourage you to plan and monitor how you are progressing. So, what are you waiting for? Come and join us now!